POP Tennis is the rebranding of 100-year-old paddle tennis, now made “POPular” and played on shorter tennis courts with shorter racquets, lower compression (green dot) tennis balls, the same scoring and rules as tennis, except for one underhand serve. It can be played indoors and outdoors and is very easy to learn. POP Tennis is a fun, social activity that is suited for both adults and kids making it the perfect activity for your family to play together. The modified court size at The Racquet & Paddle Studio, makes it the ideal venue for playing POP Classic.
POP Basics: This 60-minute beginner class will teach you the basics of POP including stroke and serving technique, scoring, court positioning and more! POP basics clinics will have a max of 6 players per class hour.
POP Advanced: A 90- minute drill and play high intensity clinic designed for the int/adv doubles player looking for a great workout and a perfectly suited tennis oriented alternative.
POP Kids: A perfect introduction to the racquet and paddle skill set. Kids will be grouped by age/ability and learn the fundamentals of the fun and exciting game of POP tennis!
1.Starting : The player who wins a flip of a coin or a racquet spin decides either:
if they want to server or receive or
which side to start play. The opponent will choose the remaining option that was not selected by the server.
2. Serving: The player is allowed to serve only once, and in the event of a fault, he loses a point. The service is regarded as a fault when the server misses the ball while attempting a serve, or the ball touches the net when served. The player can either toss the ball in the air or bounce it behind the base line on the court while serving, but the method once chosen has to be used for the entire set.
A “let” is when the ball hits the in net cord while serving and goes over into a playable area. Tennis chivalry holds true in POP Tennis because the opponent “lets” the server try the serve again.
Overall, the same tennis rules apply for POP Tennis except for one underhand serve that must be struck below the waist. In all POP Tennis, the serve must be struck at the same height or below the court net height, respectively. Failing to do so will result in a warning. Only one warning per set is allowed before sacrificing the point. In POP Classic, the server must let the return bounce before they can approach the net to volley.
No part of your body should cross the baseline (the farthest line parallel to the net) while serving. Doing this will be considered a “foot fault” and the player will lose a point. At the end of each game, there is a role reversal. The receiver becomes server, while the server becomes the receiver.
In singles matches, when the serve is returned, the server must wait for the ball to bounce before returning it back.
Similarly, in doubles matches, only one player should strike the ball per side. If both the players do, it amounts to fault. This sets tennis apart from volleyball!
The point gained by a player when the ball falls exactly on the line or touches the line is called a “good ball.”
3. Scoring : The scoring in POP tennis is the same as tennis. The first point is called 15, second point 30, third point 40, while the fourth point is called Game. In order to win a set, the player should have a lead with a margin of two games over his opponent. The match is usually best of three sets. The maximum number of sets in a match is five for men and three for women.
4. Break Time : At the end of each odd game, the players change sides. Breaks are 60 seconds when changing sides, 5 minutes between 2nd and 3rd set, and 15 seconds between points. But Hey- If you need a longer break, just tell your opponent! Unnecessary delays, on the other hand, can result in disqualification in tournament settings.
5. Tiebreakers : In the event of a tiebreaker, the same rules of tennis apply. A tie-break set is played with the same rules as the advantage set, except when the score is tied at 6–6, a tie-break game (or tiebreaker) is played. Typically, the tie-break game continues until one player wins seven points by a margin of two or more points.